CBD Lookout
By Mount Nelson Primary School
Mt Nelson, Sandy Bay and Lansdowne Crescent all have a good view of the Tasman Bridge. In January 1975 the Tasman Bridge was struck by an ore carrier. Two pylons and three sections of the bridge fell and sank the ship. The Lake Illawarra still remains at the bottom of the Derwent River but presents no danger to other vessels. Reconstruction started in October 1975. It took two years to repair it. It looks similar to the Suramadu Bridge near our partner school in Surabaya, Indonesia. However if you look at the table you’ll discover some big differences.
Ada pemandangan Jembatan Tasman yang bagus dari Mt Nelson, Sandy Bay dan Lansdowne Crescent. Pada Januari 1975 Jembatan Tasman ditabrak oleh kapal. Dua tiang dan tiga bagian jembatan terjatuh dan menggelamkan kapal. ‘Lake Illawara’ masih ada di bawah Sungai Derwent tetapi tidak bahaya untuk kapal yang lain. Pembangunan kembali dimulai pada Oktober 1975. Memperbaikinya butuh waktu dua tahun. Kelihatannya seperti Jembatan Suramadu dekat sekolah pasangan kami di Surabaya, Indonesia. Akan tetapi kalau melihat tabel bisa menemukan beberapa perbedaan besar.
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