Sea & Beach Use
By Sandy Bay Infant School
Many ships and boats come in and out of the port of Hobart including the Aurora Australis which services the Australian base in Antarctica, barges carrying zinc from the Zinc Works, Cruise ships and the many boats in the Sydney to Hobart race every year.
Students from Sandy Bay Infant School walk and run on the beach twice a week. Sometimes we swim and go windsurfing as an after school activity.
We had students from Lansdowne Crescent School and Waimea Primary school come and visit us. We showed them our beach and the activities we did to find out about the area. We also taught them how to play cangklok by digging holes in the sand and using local shells.
Students from Sandy Bay Infant School walk and run on the beach twice a week. Sometimes we swim and go windsurfing as an after school activity.
We had students from Lansdowne Crescent School and Waimea Primary school come and visit us. We showed them our beach and the activities we did to find out about the area. We also taught them how to play cangklok by digging holes in the sand and using local shells.
Bermacam-macam kapal sampai di Pelabuhan Hobart melalui muara Derwent. Misalanya ada Aurara Australi (Kapal untuk Antarctica) kapal barkas (ke Paberik Zinc), Kapal Samudera dan perahu layer termasuk perlombaan Sydney ke Hobart.
Anak anak dari Sekolah Sandy Bay mengunjungi pantai Sandy Bay dua kali seminggu untuk jalan jalan dan berlari. Kadang kadang kami berenang dan berselancar sesudah sekolah selasai.
Anak anak dari Sekolah Sandy Bay mengunjungi pantai Sandy Bay dua kali seminggu untuk jalan jalan dan berlari. Kadang kadang kami berenang dan berselancar sesudah sekolah selasai.
Ibu Yenni dan Ibu Astri dari sekolah Kaliasan S D 11
mengungjuni sekolah Sandy Bay.
Ibu Astri and Ibu Yenny from Sekolah Kaliasan SD11, Surabaya visit Sandy Bay Infant school and explore our beach.
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