Signal Station
By Mount Nelson Primary School
At the end of our track is where the Mt Nelson signal station was operated. It reported shipping for Hobart and Port Arthur. A return message could be completed in 15 minutes. On a clear day you can see the eastern and western sides of Hobart. The view is spectacular. The signal station was built in 1811 and the semaphore was closed in 1880. Looking closer to the ground you may see some skinks. To find out more listen to the interview with Ibu Yuni from Bali who was studying skinks at UTAS for her PhD.
Di ujung jalanan kami ada stasiun signal Mt Nelson. Itu memberikan pesan dari kota Hobart ke Port Arthur. Pesan kembali secepat 15 menit. Pada hari cerah bisa lihat pantai timur dan barat Hobart. Pemandangan luar biasa. Stasiun signal dibangun pada 1811 dan tertutup pada 1880. Kalau lihat lebih dekat tanah mungkin bisa lihat beberapa kadal .Supaya mendapatkan lebih informasi dengarkanlah wawancara dengan Ibu Yuni dari Bali yang mempelajari tentang kadal di Universitas Tasmania.
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