Recreational Area
By Lansdowne Crescent Primary School
Knocklofty is a council reserve, this means it is public land which has been set aside for the health, recreation and enjoyment of the public. The Hobart City Council has to take into account a number of factors when managing Knocklofty. These include its biodiversity values, the bushfire risk (the reserve is right next to residential properties) and value for money for the rate payers. Knocklofty is used in a variety of ways by the public. Many people walk their dogs in the reserve, others go there to see the plant, animal and bird life. Because of its close proximity to the city, visitors walk Knocklofty to enjoy the beautiful view over Hobart.
Knocklofty adalah cadangan dewan, ini berarti itu adalah lahan umum yang telah disisihkan untuk kesehatan, rekreasi dan kenikmatan masyarakat. Dewan Kota Hobart harus mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor ketika mengelola Knocklofty. Ini termasuk nilai-nilai keanekaragaman hayati, risiko kebakaran (cadangan ada tepat di sebelah rumah) dan nilai uang untuk pembayar tarif dewan. Knocklofty digunakan dalam berbagai cara oleh masyarakat. Banyak orang berjalan anjing mereka di cadangan, yang lain pergi ke sana untuk melihat tanaman, hewan dan burung. Karena dekat dengan kota, pengunjung berjalan Knocklofty untuk menikmati pemandangan indah di atas Hobart.
Matt Lindus from the Hobart City Council - Podcast
Matt Lindus talks about how the Hobart City Council manages Knocklofty Reserve.
Interview With Astrid Wright - Podcast
Astrid Wright is a long time member of The Friends of Knocklofty.
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