Lookout Over Hobart
By Lansdowne Crescent Primary School
Early settlement of Hobart.
The first European settlement in Hobart began at Risdon Cove on the eastern shore of the River Derwent, in1803. In charge was Lt. John Bowen and his small party of 49 including British officers and soldiers, free settlers and their families and about 24 convicts. The purpose of the new settlement was to provide another base for convicts, to discourage French interest in the region, and to be an important source of timber, land for growing grain and seals for the skin industry. Almost four months later, Lt. Gov. David Collins arrived and took over the command of the settlement. He was not pleased with the location of the settlement and he decided to move it to the western shore at Sullivan's Cove which is just visible from the lookout on Knocklofty if the viewer looks to the waterfront area on the left.
Awal pemukiman Hobart
Pemukiman Eropa di Hobart mulai di Risdon Cove di tepi timur Sungai Derwent pada 1803. Lt. John Bowen memimpin kelompok kecil yang termasuk perwira dan tentara Inggris, pemukin bebas dan keluarganya dan 24 narapidana. Pemukiman ini didirikan supaya ada tempat lagi untuk narapidana, minat orang perancis di daerah ini dikurangi, dan ada sumber untuk kayu, tanah untuk menumbuh makanan dan kulit anjing laut. Empat bulan lagi Lt Gov. David Collins menjadi pemimpin pemukiman ini dan tidak senang dengan posisinya. Dia memutuskan bawah pemukiman akan dipindahkan ke tepi barat di Sullivans Cove yang bisa dilihat dari tempat observasi Knocklofty kalau pemandang melihat di sebelah kiri daerah pelabuhan.